Setting Up Linux VPS

SCALEX offers seamless and scalable solutions for deploying Ubuntu Virtual Private Servers (VPS). Whether you are running a web application, developing software, or setting up a development environment, Ubuntu VPS instances on SCALEX provide you with the flexibility and power you need, all with the added benefit of cryptocurrency payments and decentralized infrastructure.

Deploying an Ubuntu VPS through SCALEX is straightforward, guided by our SX AI Assistant. You can choose from various configurations, customize your environment, and manage everything with ease. SCALEX offers multiple ways to connect to your Ubuntu VPS, ensuring that you can work securely and efficiently.

Connecting to Your Ubuntu VPS Instance

Once your Ubuntu VPS deployment is complete, SCALEX provides you with different options for connecting to your server. You can either generate an SSH key for secure access or use a password-based authentication method. Here's how to get connected:

Option 1: Connecting via SSH Key

  1. Generate or Upload an SSH Key: During the deployment process, you have the option to generate a new SSH key pair or upload an existing one. If you choose to generate a key pair, SCALEX will provide you with the private key to download securely.

  2. Access Your VPS: Once your deployment is complete, connect to your Ubuntu VPS using your SSH client (e.g., OpenSSH, PuTTY, or Termius). The IP address of your VPS and the user (usually root or ubuntu) will be provided. Use your SSH key for authentication:

    • Open your terminal or SSH client.

    • Run the following command:

      cssCopy codessh -i /path/to/private_key user@IP_address
    • Replace /path/to/private_key with the location of your private key file, user with the provided username, and IP_address with the IP address of your VPS.

  3. Start Managing Your VPS: Once connected, you can begin configuring your Ubuntu server, installing software, and managing your environment with full root access.

Option 2: Connecting via Password Authentication

  1. Set a Password or Generate One: During the deployment process, you can choose to create your own password or let SCALEX generate a secure password for you. This password will be used to authenticate your connection.

  2. Access Your VPS: Use an SSH client (e.g., OpenSSH, PuTTY, or Termius) to connect to your Ubuntu VPS using the provided IP address and password.

    • Open your terminal or SSH client.

    • Run the following command:

      sqlCopy codessh user@IP_address
    • Replace user with the provided username (usually root or ubuntu) and IP_address with the IP address of your VPS. You will be prompted to enter the password provided during deployment.

  3. Manage Your Server: Once authenticated, you’ll have full access to your Ubuntu VPS, allowing you to install and configure your applications as needed.

Whether you prefer the security of SSH keys or the simplicity of password authentication, SCALEX offers flexible and secure options for connecting to your Ubuntu VPS. With automated deployment, service aggregation for the best pricing, and decentralized payments, SCALEX ensures that your server setup is quick, easy, and efficient, allowing you to focus on your projects with confidence.

Last updated